The invention of the computer and the subsequent software programmed for its use has totally changed the whole concept of progress and communication. Every part of the world can now be reached and contact with other persons where ever they are can be done through the internet. The internet is the system that enables the user of a computer to gain access to whatever he needs be it for information, for communication, for business or for personal reasons. Missing relatives can even be found thru the internet by using different search and social sites. How much more for the field of education; the internet has become its partner in the ever changing learning process. Students can interact with students in foreign countries, they can share information, learn and grow with each other. They can search any topic and subject they want to research. The globe becomes smaller and its inhabitants become closer and relations between countries are improved and strengthened.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Lesson 15 – Understanding Hypermedia
With the advent of modern technology, all aspects of man’s environment have changed. It has widened his capacity for knowledge and self-improvement through the use of the computer and its varied functions. It really has changed our life, the way we live our lives. In the field of education, the student as well as the teacher are aided greatly by this information technology which has produced the term hypermedia referring to the multitasking of computer, their software as sources of information and student centered learning activities. This would include tutorial software, websites for information, simulation activities and guides in group or team projects. In the integration of information technology or hypermedia in the learning process, the learner is given control over the kind of learning activities he needs and the pace at which he can work on his school projects and requirements.
Lesson 14 – The Software as an Educational Resource
In the use of modern information technology as a part of the learning process, the teacher must possess or has acquired the needed skills to evaluate the best hardware and software to install in the school. What can easily be seen and appreciated is the computer itself, its design, memory capacity, video card, monitor/screen and other visible qualities. However, what is more important is the software. The choice of material or program to be installed as the main operating system which students can use as a source of information, and a tool for accomplishing assignments, group work or projects. Terms such as windows, programs, graphics, download, internet and other pertinent technological words should be part of the teachers vocabulary and appreciation. What should be foremost however on the choice of software to use is that it should be current or updated and has a wide scope of educational resources for students to tap or use.
Lesson 13 – Cooperative Learning with the Computer
The ideal ratio in the integration of information technology in the field of education is one to one. So that is each student must have has his own computer so he can fully utilize his time and effort to achieve success in his school work. However, this is hard to establish in school because of the expenses involve in providing for computers, software and hardware for every student. So what happens is that students share the use of computers and assignment are usually given as a group or team projects. This fosters cooperative learning among the students comprising each group and develops teamwork among the members. It also enhances their social skills and sense of responsibility. Each student tries his best, does his work assigned and help one another reached their common goal.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
LESSON 12 – Information Technology in Support of Student-Centered Learning
In todays modern world of highly urbanized societies and economic progressive countries the main focus of education has shifted from the teacher to the student. To compete globally with other cultures and communities, students must learn to be independent, creative, self-reliant and resourceful to be able to mold themselves and be successful in their chosen careers, professional and personal lives. From a teacher-centered process, learning has evolved into a student-centered activity. From the traditional method of teacher to student transfer of information, it has changed to teacher guiding and facilitating students to gather information and knowledge by themselves thru the use of the computer and its varied techlogical aspects. Of course, this new educational pattern can only be observed in well-off countries where the educational system has a very large budget and can afford to install all modern information technological devices in their schools. In the so called third world countries which unfortunately includes our own country - Philippines, the traditional method of teacher focused learning prevails. In fact the bare necessities of a classroom, desks and chairs are often lacking..!
LESSON 11 – The Computer as the Teacher’s Tool
In the learning process, most teachers do not rely solely on themselves in imparting knowledge and information to their students. Especially now in our modern times, teaching has opened new methods of acquiring education. There is now emphasis of the concepts of constructivism and social constructivism. The need for students to discover for themselves new ideas, concepts, and understanding of the vast world we live in is the prime concern of the teacher and to meet this need, the teacher makes use of the computer. It is a way of easy and reliable access to information and building up of communication and teamwork among students. Especially with the internet, the student can relate or research class assignments and projects with real life situations. This is a big help to the teacher in fostering independent learning activities of the students.
LESSON 10 – The Computer as a Tutor
In the classroom the teacher is the person who is responsible for the learning process to take place. He follows a set of instructions and objectives on how it should be done. Sometimes, students cannot keep up with the classroom activities especially if classes are large and individual attention cannot be given to each one. This is where the computer is put to good use. It acts as a classroom tutor wherein it helps the student keep pace with the learning process taking the place of the teacher when further instruction or activities needed. This is known as computer-assisted instruction. However, educators must provide the proper technological facilities and include the needed skills to be given to students so the can fully utilize the use of the computer to help them learn their lessons by themselves.
LESSON 9 – Computers as Information and Communication Technology
LESSON 9 – Computers as Information and Communication Technology
The first step in the acquisition of knowledge is to be able to read and write. This is a basic skills that opens the mind of a person to a myriad of information about our past, our present, the word we live-in and the people around us. It is the corner stone of the realization of man’s desire to know thyself and the cosmos.
Through the years, this guest for knowledge and the preservation of it was the word which convey on idea, a thought or a fact. From simple paper and pen , the printing press was invented, libraries were established and later, the radio and television was invented. These inventions were integrated into the educational system and the learning process became faster and more interesting to students. Now in our present times, it has become a highly developed system and has transformed the educational field with the use of modern information and communication technology. Through computers, internet, software and hardware, you can get information and communicate anywhere with the touch of your fingertips. There is so much you can do with your personal computer to enhance your work at school and to improve your knowledge and skills.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
LESSON 8 – Higher Thinking Skills Through IT-Based Projects
LESSON 8 – Higher Thinking Skills Through IT-Based Projects
Most students learn their lessons through rote or memorization with the teacher doing most of the expalining and understanding of the subject matter at hand. This kind of teaching method does not help develop the student’s thinking skills or his ability to analyze and reflect. Today, the educator realizes that students need to go outside the classroom and avail of the facilities of information technology and be on their own in their quest for information and to acquire knowledge. There is so much to be learned about ourselves, our neighbors, our environment, our world, our history and using the internet to achieve this goal is part of the integration of information technology to the educational system.
LESSON 7 – IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity
LESSON 7 – IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity
The old or traditional methods of teaching make use of audio-visual aids or devices, chalk and black board for illustrations, magazines and books for references which are always provided by the teacher. The students are given specific projects to perform and assignments have definite objectives. Sometimes the old method is called spoon feeding with the teacher giving guidelines all throughout the lessons being taught. Now in the new era of modern technology, students are encouraged to develop their own ideas and ways on how to gather information needed for their subjects in school. Their creativity is developed and intellectual independence is nurtured when they are given the leeway to produce projects and reports using the software of the computer.
LESSON 6 – IT Enters A New Learning Environment
LESSON 6 – IT Enters A New Learning Environment
In the tradition method of training, students learn to rote, memorization and set instruction from their teachers. They imbibe knowledge from what and how their teachers import information to them. In the use of modern technology students are encouraged to seek ideas and apply them to personal experiences. They are made aware of new information which they can relate and apply to their own lives to add to what they already know. They are given that the spark of self- discovery, the desire to know more; to improve ones knowledge and broaden their horizons. Technology has freed the minds from their rigid systems of instruction to that of freedom and discovery. It has empowered both teacher and student to seek and give knowledge thru independent creative ways.
LESSON 5 – State of the Art ET Application Practices
LESSON 5 – State of the Art ET Application Practices
The use of modern information technology in this field of education is now considered a necessity to keep pace with economic and social progress. Schools can no longer rely solely on the traditional methods of teaching because their students will be put at a disadvantage when compared to the students availing of advanced technological devices that have been made part of their schools facilities. However, these modern IT inventions such as computers, hardware, software, internet, etc. are quite expensive and are constantly improving so most of them become obselete and out dated. So schools have to updated their technological facilities to advance a state of the art level. Teachers also have to learn new skills and knowledge on how to use this state of the art technology and apply it to the learning process. Students are encouraged to be more creative and independent in seeking information and doing projects thru the computer and internet.
LESSON 4 – Basic Concepts on Integrating Technology in Instruction
LESSON 4 – Basic Concepts on Integrating Technology in Instruction
To make technology a part of the learning and teaching process, the user of such technological devices should make them a source of reinforcement so that the objectives of educational objectives will be realized. Teachers should avoid the use of computers for other purposes such as for enjoyment like games and other exploitive use of technology. Students must be guided as to how to gather information and full utilization of the computers to aid them in performing assigned projects in connection with their subjects. The teacher must see to it that the students are given the necessary skills needed to make full use of the software to help them understand and realize the objectives of their curriculum assignments given should include the use of computers and software thus integrating them into the learning process.
The use of modern software technology in schools as part of the learning process has many levels. Most teachers start from a simple or basic integration such as the use of computer to present more vivid and clearer illustrations of the subject matter to be learned. They can also ask students to send thru e-mail assigned task. From these simple utilization of the computer, the teacher can create activities involving the students in team work by giving them specific situations wherein they use computer based materials to come up with the assigned tasks. Examples are the use of software to present lessons more vividly, group activities to produce information materials on certain subject matters, exchange of ideas between schools and students of different nationalities. In this way, students and teachers are now an integral part of our advancing modern global technology.
LESSON 3 – Educational Technology in the Asia Pacific Region
LESSON 3 – Educational Technology in the Asia Pacific Region
In the Asia Pacific region, there are only 5 countries or states that have developed a master plan for the utilization of modern communication technology in the field of education. The other countries may have plans but cannot be implemented for lack of funds and qualified human resources. For these 5 progressions and economically stable states/city, namely New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. Their governments have made a plan where full financial support is provided to the schools so that they can buy and maintain computers, websites centers, highly qualified personnel who will maintain such technological centers for use of their students and teachers.
LESSON 2 – An Overview: Educational Technology 2
Education needs to utilize and enhance its functions by making use of this technological advancements. Students learn faster, assignments made easier and studying more interesting thru the use of computers and the internet. School administrators, department heads and other persons in supervisory positions can avail of this information technology to enhance their functions. Professional and student teachers therefore will be greatly helped by this co
Educational Technology 2 is a new course in the education curriculum which has to come about from the need to adapt to a changing world. The need for information and knowledge before was provided by the books, print media, radio, and later the television. Now, so much advancement has been made in the field of technology. We are now living in a world of computers, internet, laptops, cellphones, ipad and other technological inventions.urse because they will be given the training and skills to use technology and its inventions as a tool for teaching and self-improvement.
1. Many college students are presently required to take Computer courses including word processing (Microsoft Office), spreadsheet preparation (Excel), presentation techniques (PowerPoint), etc. How do you think this will help application of skilss needed in Educational Technology 2?
Answer: This will help application of skills needed in Educational Technology 2 because this are the basic programs/software that is going to be used in the Ed. Tech. 2 subject.
2. From those who have done internet surfing/searching/reading, what do the Websites offer users?
Answer: For me, INFORMATION is what the Websites offers to those who have done internet surfing, searching and reading.
3. Do you think there are enough websites for educational purposes? Do you think there are many users of educational websites?
Answer: Yes, there are enough websites for educational purposes. You just have to search it or ask someone who knows about this websites. For now its very rare to see somebody using or visiting these sights. But I am very sure that it will increase as people get educated about the importance of these websites.
LESSON 1 – A Review of Educational Technology 1
We are already in a modern world or computer world. It is like everything is just a push of a button. So as education, it should also improve or keep up with the trend. The educators should be atleast be aware and equipped to use educational technology tools ranging from traditional to modern education media. That is why the Educational Technology 1 course is very perfect to them. The Educational Technology 1 course or ET-1 course has showed the 4 phases of application of educational technology in teaching and learning, namely; a) setting of learning objectives b) designing specific learning experiences c) evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences d) revision as needed of the whole teaching-learning process, or elements of it, for further improving future instructional activities.
For me, I really agree on the course Educational Educational Technology 1. Until now, I still wonder why we qualifiers are not required to take up this subject before taking-up Educational Technology 2. It is very important for us to take-up this subject. So that we may able to teach our students the modern way. We should the computer and other equipment. But like most technology advancement, there is also a disadvantage or dangers of dehumanization which technology brings into societies, such as through ideological propaganda, pornography and financial fraud. It is the job of the teachers and educators to discourage and stop the exploitative use of technology.
1. Discuss the display in educational technology advancement in schools of industrialized First World counry (such as the U.S., England, Japan, Singapore, Australia) and a still develoing country, namely the Philippines.
Answer: The main reason of disparity between the Industrialized First World country and still developing country like the Philippines is the technological advancement. Then other reason is not schools especially the public schools in the Philippines have computers and access to modern technology.
2. Given the lack of resources in our rural areas in the Philippines, what media can still be used for effective learning in schools?
Answer: We can use other visual aids like posters, charts, illlustrations, pictures and drawings as a substitute for the lack resources. The print media like news paper and magazines because they do not need the use of electricity. You can even let the students go out of the classroom and go to the actual object. For example, you are discussing about the parts of the leaves. You can go to the garden of the school and disccus there.
3. Computer shops are pervasive around schools, but these are mainly used for playing games. Without judging on the possibly dehumanaizing effects of excessive computer game habits, how can a learner best use computer resources as they may be available in schools or at home?
Answer: The learner should use the computer for information needed on their assignment or homework. They can use the internet and surf for much information on all subject. They should use the computer as a kind of libarary from which they can get references. They should regard the computer as a kind of library. So instead of going to the library you can just use the computer and internet.
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