Tuesday, August 23, 2011

List of Educational Websites

1) www.webster.com
    2) www.math.com
    3) www. sciencemag.com
    4) www.history.com
    5) www.bestedsites.com
    6) www.wikipedia.com
    7) www.reference.com
    8) www.kulsara.com
    9) www.free-reading.com
10) www.siteforteachers.com
11) www.discoveryeducation.com
12) www.tryscience.com
13) www.exploratorium.com

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lesson 16 – The Internet and Education

            The invention of the computer and the subsequent software programmed for its use has totally changed the whole concept of progress and communication.  Every part of the world can now be reached and contact with other persons where ever they are can be done through the internet.  The internet is the system that enables the user of a computer to gain access to whatever he needs be it for information, for communication, for business or for personal reasons.  Missing relatives can even be found thru the internet by using different search and social sites.  How much more for the field of education; the internet has become its partner in the ever changing learning process.  Students can interact with students in foreign countries, they can share information, learn and grow with each other.  They can search any topic and subject they want to research.  The globe becomes smaller and its inhabitants become closer and relations between countries are improved and strengthened.  

Lesson 15 – Understanding Hypermedia

            With the advent of modern technology, all aspects of man’s environment have changed.  It has widened his capacity for knowledge and self-improvement through the use of the computer and its varied functions.  It really has changed our life, the way we live our lives.  In the field of education, the student as well as the teacher are aided greatly by this information technology which has produced the term hypermedia referring to the multitasking of computer, their software as sources of information and student centered learning activities.  This would include tutorial software, websites for information, simulation activities and guides in group or team projects.  In the integration of information technology or hypermedia in the learning process, the learner is given control over the kind of learning activities he needs and the pace at which he can work on his school projects and requirements.

Lesson 14 – The Software as an Educational Resource

            In the use of modern information technology as a part of the learning process, the teacher must possess or has acquired the needed skills to evaluate the best hardware and software to install in the school.  What can easily be seen and appreciated is the computer itself, its design, memory capacity, video card, monitor/screen and other visible qualities.  However, what is more important is the software.  The choice of material or program to be installed as the main operating system which students can use as a source of information, and a tool for accomplishing assignments, group work or projects.  Terms such as windows, programs, graphics, download, internet and other pertinent technological words should be part of the teachers vocabulary and appreciation.  What should be foremost however on the choice of software to use is that it should be current or updated and has a wide scope of educational resources for students to tap or use.

Lesson 13 – Cooperative Learning with the Computer

            The ideal ratio in the integration of information technology in the field of education is one to one.  So that is each student must have has his own computer so he can fully utilize his time and effort to achieve success in his school work.  However, this is hard to establish in school because of the expenses involve in providing for computers, software and hardware for every student.  So what happens is that students share the use of computers and assignment are usually given as a group or team projects.  This fosters cooperative learning among the students comprising each group and develops teamwork among the members.  It also enhances their social skills and sense of responsibility.  Each student tries his best, does his work assigned and help one another reached their common goal.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

LESSON 12 – Information Technology in Support of Student-Centered Learning

        In todays modern world of highly urbanized societies and economic progressive countries the main focus of education has shifted from the teacher to the student.  To compete globally with other cultures and communities, students must learn to be independent, creative, self-reliant and resourceful to be able to mold themselves and be successful in their chosen careers, professional and personal lives.  From a teacher-centered process, learning has evolved into a student-centered activity.  From the traditional method of teacher to student transfer of information, it has changed to teacher guiding and facilitating students to gather information and knowledge by themselves thru the use of the computer and its varied techlogical aspects.  Of course, this new educational pattern can only be observed in well-off countries where the educational system has a very large budget and can afford to install all modern information technological devices in their schools.  In the so called third world countries which unfortunately includes our own country - Philippines, the traditional method of teacher focused learning prevails.  In fact the bare necessities of a classroom, desks and chairs are often lacking..!

LESSON 11 – The Computer as the Teacher’s Tool

        In the learning process, most teachers do not rely solely on themselves in imparting knowledge and information to their students.  Especially now in our modern times, teaching has opened new methods of acquiring education.  There is now emphasis of the concepts of constructivism and social constructivism.  The need for students to discover for themselves new ideas, concepts, and understanding of the vast world we live in is the prime concern of the teacher and to meet this need, the teacher makes use of the computer.  It is a way of easy and reliable access to information and building up of communication and teamwork among students.  Especially with the internet, the student can relate or research class assignments and projects with real life situations.  This is a big help to the teacher in fostering independent learning activities of the students.